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湖北省交通規(guī)劃設(shè)計院創(chuàng)建于1960年,是全國交通行業(yè)中門類齊、規(guī)模較大的甲級綜合性 交通科技型企業(yè),湖北省高新技術(shù)企業(yè)。持有國家頒發(fā)的公路、特大橋梁、特長隧道、交通工程、水運工程、市政工程勘察及工程設(shè)計等19類甲級資質(zhì)。主要從事公路、橋梁、隧道、航道、港口、水運樞紐、市政交通工程等工程項目的規(guī)劃、可行性研究、勘察設(shè)計、工程咨詢、監(jiān)理、工程建設(shè)管理和招標(biāo)代理等工作,具有獨立承擔(dān)國內(nèi)外大中型交通工程建設(shè)項目全過程服務(wù)的能力。


該院業(yè)務(wù)范圍涉及湖北、湖南、云南、四川、西藏、福建、廣東、江西、浙江、內(nèi)蒙古、山東、河南以及東南亞、南美洲和非洲等國內(nèi)外市場,與美國、日本、法國、加拿大等10個國家開展了技術(shù)合作與交流,在國內(nèi)外享有較高聲譽。自上世紀(jì)九十年代以來,該院已相繼完成了4100多公里高速公路、300余座特大橋梁、60余座隧道和50多項大中型水運項目的勘察設(shè)計。先后設(shè)計了湖北省內(nèi)的滬渝、滬蓉、京港澳、二廣、京福、大廣、杭瑞、隨岳、武英、三峽翻壩、麻竹、十房、十白、谷竹高速公路以及外省的福建京福高速、浙江金麗溫高速和江西大廣、江西武吉、湖南衡臨、四川宜渝高速公路、成都第二繞城高速公路等國家和省重點工程項目以及神農(nóng)架旅游路、武神公路等;以神宜生態(tài)路和滬蓉西高速公路分別被交通部確定為科技環(huán)保示范路和科技環(huán)保示范工程為標(biāo)志,以荊州長江公路大橋、鄂東長江公路大橋、荊岳長江公路大橋、陽邏長江公路大橋一批世界級橋梁為里程碑,該院勘察設(shè)計品牌建設(shè)躍上新的臺階。杭瑞高速公路項目建設(shè)代建和麻武高速公路總監(jiān)辦業(yè)務(wù)的開展,標(biāo)志著該院在工程建設(shè)管理領(lǐng)域邁出了實質(zhì)性的步伐,為該院未來的發(fā)展注入了新的活力。該院還承擔(dān)了南部蘇丹Juba-Raja公路、斐濟(jì)Sawani Serea公路的可行性研究和勘察設(shè)計任務(wù),成功進(jìn)入非洲和大洋洲市場;設(shè)計了宜昌、荊州、軍山、巴東、陽邏、荊岳、鄂東、九江長江公路大橋,鄖陽、漢陽月湖、天門、漢川馬口、蔡甸、襄樊江漢四橋、三橋、隨岳等漢江大橋,以及緬甸國因森大橋和云南南盤江大橋、雅魯藏布江大橋等特大橋;承擔(dān)了龍?zhí)端淼?、烏池壩隧道等多座特長隧道勘察設(shè)計以及漢江航道整治、引江濟(jì)漢通航工程、南水北調(diào)中線、崔家營航電樞紐工程、漢江雅口航運樞紐工程等水運項目。

該院以創(chuàng)建文明和諧企業(yè)為目標(biāo),以提高職工隊伍整體素質(zhì)為根本,以文明服務(wù)示范窗口建設(shè)為重點,以“學(xué)先進(jìn)、樹新風(fēng)、創(chuàng)一流”活動和“六型窗口”創(chuàng)建為載體,深入推進(jìn)企業(yè)文明創(chuàng)建,堅持在生產(chǎn)中培樹典型,以典型推進(jìn)生產(chǎn),實現(xiàn)良性互動,共同推進(jìn)。培養(yǎng)了 “全國勞動模范”、 “全國優(yōu)秀共產(chǎn)黨員” “交通工程技術(shù)人員的楷?!标悇傄阃緸榇淼牡囊淮笈⒛H宋?。

地 址:湖北省武漢市漢陽龍陽大道7號
郵 箱:office@hbcpdi.com.cn



Orchestrating a Thoroughfare in Hubei and Connecting the World
------A Brief Introduction to Hubei Provincial Communications Planning and Design Institute
Over the past half a century, Hubei Provincial Communications Planning and Design Institute (hereafter referred to as HBCPDI) has gone through various stages of development and scored tremendous achievements in charting the blueprints for communications development and constructing the arteries of economic rise for the whole Hubei and even the half of the country. Hundreds of excellent design products give full expression to the courageous spirit of HBCPDI practitioners in their persistent pursuit of China Dream.
Solid foundation through arduous efforts, and lofty aspirations towards the world:
Since its inception in 1960, HBCPDI, taking highway and port & waterway engineering surveying and design as its major work, has provided surveying and design service for expressways with a combined length of over 5000 km, 2300 bridges, 180 tunnels, and 800 port & waterway engineering projects.
At present ,HBCPDI’s business operation covers a very wide range, from civil engineering such as highway and port & waterway engineering, municipal railway and architecture engineering to other sectors represented by project ****ing, project supervision, project management, tendering agency, bridge reinforcement, and landscape, etc. Besides, HBCPDI boasts 19 Grade A qualifications in engineering mapping, comprehensive surveying, highway and port & waterway design, municipal engineering surveying and design, rail transit design, architecture engineering design, as well as highway, harbor, and municipal engineering consultation, etc. All this well ****ifies that HBCPDI possesses the ability to provide the overall process service in undertaking medium and large communications construction projects both at home and abroad.
HBCPDI has a long history in highway surveying and design, which constitutes its advantageous sector, as can be evidenced by the successful completion of the surveying and design projects for the road sections within Hubei Province of 46 expressways including Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, Beijing-Hongkong-Macao Expressway, Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway, Fuzhou-Yinchuan Expressway. Erenhot-Guangzhou Expressway, Suizhou-Yueyang Expressway, Daqing-Guangzhou Expressway, Hangzhou-Ruili Expressway, Macheng-Zhuxi Expressway, Macheng-Yangxin Expressway and Wuhan City Ring Expressway, as well as some tourist highways including Wudang Mountain Route, Shengnongjia-Yichang Tourist Highway, Wudang Mountain-Shengnongjia Tourist Highway, Dabie Mountain Tourist Route, which form a good series of HBCPDI’s merit highway design projects.
    By virtue of its unique advantages in highway surveying and design in lake area, plain area and mountain area, HBCPDI has successfully completed the Hubei Western Section of Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, setting up a nationwide high-tech demonstration project. In addition, by adhering to the design philosophy of “the fit**** is the best, the natural is the most beautiful, and higher quality incurs better economy,” HBCPDI has successfully completed Shengnongjia-Yichang Tourist Highway, representing a national demonstration route of high-tech environmental protection.
HBCPDI is especially well known for its strength in bridge design, as can be fully illustrated by the successful completion of the surveying and design projects of 8 over-Yangtze River highway bridges such as Junshan, Jingzhou, Yichang, Badong, Yangluo, Jingyue, Edong, and Jiujiang. At present, HPCPDI is engaged in the preliminary work for other over-Yangtze River highway bridges to be built as the following: Xiangxi, Qingshan, Jiayu, Shishou, Wuxue, Chibi, etc. By now, HBCPDI has built Jingzhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge whose PC cable stayed span ranks first in Asia and second in the world, Edong Yangtze River Highway Bridge (a hybrid girder cable-stayed bridge with the main span reaching 926m) whose span ranks second in the world, and JingYue Yangtze River Highway Bridge (a hybrid girder cable-stayed bridge featuring high-and-low tower with the main span reaching 816m ) whose span ranks first in the world Moreover, HBCPDI has finished the design of more than 300 domestic and overseas super huge bridges including Hanjiang River Bridges, Yinsen Bridge in Myanmar and high-pier & long-span bridges in mountain areas
Tunnel design marks HBCPDI’s merit sector. HBCPDI has completed the surveying and design of more than 20 tunnels of super length, among which the length of Jinlong Tunnel on Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway in Hubei Western Section and Dapping Mountain Tunnel on Gucheng-Zhuxi Expressway both exceed 8 kilometers, ranking top two in central and southern China.
HBCPDI also enjoys special strength in port & waterway engineering design, particularly in wandering rivers channel regulation and fluctuating backwater region channel regulation of reservoirs, as well as the design of high-stage-fluctuation port & navigation junction. It has completed the channel regulation of a combined length of nearly 3000 kilometers along the Yangtze River, Hanjiang River and Qingjiang River, in addition to the surveying and design of more than 200 ports and some 20 ship locks. Among them, Cuijiaying Navigation-Power Junction Project of Hanjiang River in Hubei Province marks the first demonstration project of “resource-conserving and environment-friendly waterway transportation,” standing as a shining pearl over the Hanjiang River, while the Yangtze River to Hanjiang River Water Diversion Navigation Works of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project In Hubei Province, as the first canal built after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, now serves as a new golden waterway beneficial to the people’s life on Jianghan Plain.
Constantly developing and upgrading its emerging sector of municipal engineering design in the past decade, HBCPDI has accomplished the surveying and design projects of many municipal highways, bridges and waterways such as Wuhan Yuehu Hanjiang River Bridge, Sanguan Hanjiang River Bridge, Huangshi Municipal Highways and Tunnels, Xiangyang Inner Loop Highway and the Third Bridge of Hanjiang River, the Second Passageway of Wuhan Airport, Ezhou Avenue, Huanggang Avenue, Xiaochi Hubei Avenue, Foshan Municiapl Highways and Bridges in Guangdong Province, and the municipal water channels of Gabon. It is also worth mentioning that HBCPDI has undertaken the design work of some sections and stations of metro lines 3, 4, 7 and 8 in Wuhan Metro System.
Well-based in Hubei, HBCPDI intends to serve China and sets eyes on the whole world. It has not only taken the initiative to seek new business opportunities outside Hubei and beyond China, excelling in tender competitions of communications project design for more than 10 provinces and/or cities such as Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Tibet, Guizhou, Yunnan, Jiangxi, Hunan and Sichuan, but also provided design consultation service for over 10 countries including Myanmar, South Sudan, Fuji, Laos, Uganda, Pakistan, and Gabon, etc.
Attaching great importance to science and technology in its development, HBCPDI also gives prominence to keeping a talent pool. At present HBCPDI is home to a strong team of 670 staff members, among whom there are 42 professor senior engineers, 137 senior engineers, 225 engineers, and 266 experts at different levels in various fields. Over the past 50 years since its establishment, HBCPDI has won Luban Award, Jeme Tien Yow Award, Award for Scientific and Technological Advancement, and various consultation, surveying and design awards at national, provincial and ministerial levels of more than 200 projects, apart from obtaining more than 30 patents for its inventions and participating in the compilation of quite a few National Bridge Design Technical Standards. HBCPDI has also been awarded the title of “One of National Top 10 Bridge Designing Heroic Teams,” and listed among “Top 10 Surveying and Design Enterprises of Hubei Province” and “New High-tech Enterprises of Hubei Province” for several consecutive years.
Upholding the corporate philosophy of encouraging innovation and pursuing excellence Hubei Provincial Communications Planning and Design Institute is devoted to building itself into a world-class technology consultancy in an endeavor to keep a firm foothold in central and southern China, and reach out to the world, thus marching towards an even better and brighter future!

    We do our best for you!

  • 公司規(guī)模:500 - 999人
  • 公司性質(zhì):國有企業(yè)
  • 所屬行業(yè):設(shè)計院/研究所
  • 所在地區(qū):湖北-武漢市-漢陽區(qū)
  • 聯(lián)系人:陳帆
  • 手機(jī):
  • 郵箱:會員登錄后才可查看
  • 郵政編碼:430051
  • 地址:湖北省武漢市漢陽區(qū)龍陽大道7號
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